I’ve been teasing my 60 Days of Summer challenge over on the ‘gram for a hot minute. And now that it’s officially June, I thought I should tell you a little more about what’s in store.
Don’t be scared.
After doing 75 days of a super intense challenge, I wanted to put together something that was a bit less intense. Don’t get me wrong… two workouts a day, and no cheat meals or alcohol for 75 days straight will definitely get results. But I just don’t think it’s a long-term solution to the life-long problem of staying healthy. I know that I have personally found it difficult to maintain my results without maintaining the same level of effort. And, listen… I’m not going to give up chips and queso or Crumbl cookies for the rest of my life! (Sorry, not sorry).
Instead, I wanted to put together a challenge that was manageable.
And sustainable.
And that would allow you to move the needle forward, push you a bit, and make you feel great, but at the same time let you enjoy your life.
Sounds good, right?!
I’m not saying the 60 days will be easy. It is called a “challenge” after all. But hopefully, being consistent for 60 days will create habits that you’ll want to keep up for the long haul.
And that’s what I’m all about, and I hope you’re here for it!
So here’s what’s involved with the 60 Days of Summer Challenge:

Move Your Body. Every Day.
It’s a gift to be able to walk around your neighborhood, take a fitness class, or lift weights. But so often we look at exercise as an obligation. Something we have to do. No friend. It’s something you get to do. How fortunate are you that you can move your body? Do you know how many people can’t do the things you can do? Let’s stop taking our bodies for granted!
Over the 60-day challenge, you’re going to get off your ass and get on your feet, moving your body intentionally for at least 45-minutes. Every day. This might mean you take a fitness class. Or you go for a walk or a run. Or you ride bikes with your kids. It doesn’t matter what it is, but it needs to be intentional movement that gets your heart rate up. You pick! Just move your body. Every day. For no less than 45 minutes.
Stretch Your Body. Every Day.
I’m notoriously bad about stretching even though I know there are so many benefits to improved flexibility – fewer injuries, improved posture, and even better physical performance. To quote an article from Harvard Medical School’s Harvard Health publication, “Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. That puts you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage.”
Enough said.
During the 60-day challenge, you’re going to stretch for at least 10 minutes. Every day. You can do it in the morning. Or you can do it before you go to bed. You can do it right after that 45 minutes of exercise. Up to you when you do it. Just do it. Every day.
Drink Some Water. Every Day.
Your body is made up of 60% water, so it’s no surprise that consuming it helps with all kinds of bodily functions – liver and bowel functions, increased muscle performance, and even improved skin. And drinking plenty of water can actually help you curb calories. (Are you actually hungry? Or just thirsty?)
For the 60-day challenge, you’ll drink one gallon of water each day. Every day. I find that when I’m working out consistently, it’s not hard to get in a full gallon as I naturally want to drink back what I’m sweating out. And getting in a full gallon helps me feel leaner and less bloated. But keep in mind, there are some risks with over hydrating, so make sure you’re listening to your body and adjusting as necessary.
Track What You’re Putting In Your Mouth. Every. Single. Bite.
Ok, so there isn’t a specific “diet” you have to follow for the 60 days. Because, let’s be honest, diets suck. Cutting out entire food groups is lame. And I personally think when you put extreme restrictions on what you can eat, it leads to feeling deprived. And then wanting to stuff your face with whatever it is that you banned. That’s not a great long-term plan.
Instead, the 60-day challenge doesn’t involve a specific food plan. You just have to track everything that you’re eating. Everything. Without exception. Every day.
Information is power. And I strongly believe that you can’t change what you’re not aware of. You’re very likely underestimating the number of chips you ate mindlessly while watching Netflix. Or the size of the bowl of cereal you just had for dinner. Journaling every morsel you put in your mouth will make you eat better because you can actually see what’s happening. And, it can help make sure you’re eating mindfully. Because you’re hungry. Not because you’re bored, stressed, anxious, or for any other reason.
And… this means that nothing is really “off limits.” If you want to have pizza, order pizza… but you also have to track those calories, carbs, and fat. Same thing for that glass of wine. Totally a-ok to have it, but just know that you need to write it down.
If you do it right, tracking everything will help you make better choices and look at things a little differently, which will improve your overall health. I mean, that brownie was good… but was it that good??
(I’ll share some more tips about food tracking, including what system I use in a follow-up email.)
Journal Your Thoughts. Every Day.
My 60 Days of Summer challenge is a “wellness” challenge, and that means improving your whole self. Including your mental health. There are all kinds of benefits of journaling so I thought including it in the challenge would be a great way to clear your mind.
There are no specific rules for journaling other than you should be writing out three pages in a notebook each day. Write in the morning. Write before you go to bed. Write after that 45 minute workout and 10 minute stretch. It doesn’t matter. Just write.
There’s literally no wrong way to do this. Other than not doing it. (I’ll share some more tips about this task in a follow-up email.)
Take Four Progress Photos During the Challenge.
Hopefully you’ll feel better after 60 days. And hopefully your clothes will fit a bit better. But there’s nothing like a photo to show physical results.
During the 60-day challenge, you’ll take four progress photos to track your progress. Not a daily progress picture. Just four photos spread out evenly across the 60 day – Day 0 (That’s on Sunday, June 12th), Day 20, Day 40 and Day 60. Not to worry… just like your favorite elementary school room mom, I’ll remind you when it’s picture day! (Again, more tips about this task coming soon.)
So… what do you think?
I know you can do this, and I’d love to cheer you on! Let me know in the comments if you’re in and I’ll send you more details! The challenge is completely free to join.
I would love to join! Sent her e by Meghan Ely 🙂
Awesome!! It’s completely free to join! I’ll send you a couple of emails now with info on joining an accountability group!
I would love to join as well!
Fab! Sending you an email now with more info!
I’m in! Also saw a post by Megan Eley. I’m starting my new workout routine tomorrow so the timing couldn’t be better! Please send me the details. Thank you!
Amazing!! I’ll send you a couple of emails now with more info!
Count me in! Sent here my Meghan.
Fab! Just sent you an email.
I’m in! I saw a post by Meghan Ely.
Awesome!! Sending you a couple of emails now to get you started!
I’d love to be in! Thanks Meghan for the heads up!
Sounds great! Sending you a couple of emails with details.
I would love to join – Meghan posted it and I*need* this in my unhealthy life! Please and thank you!
You got it! Sent you a couple of emails with deets!
Hi Kimberly,
I’m not seeing the emails. Can you please resend to msnanaannan@gmail.com. Thank you!
Hmmmm… that’s the email address I used. Have you checked your spam?
I would love to join the challenge!
Amber!!! Yessss girl. Let’s do it. Sending you a couple of emails with info.
I’m so up for this. Saw a post from Meghan Ely. Hope I’m not too late
Let’s do it! Sending you some details!
Okay, I’m in. Meghan Ely is quite the influencer. I need that accountability group, too!
She sure is, isn’t she! Sending you some emails shortly.
I’d love to be apart of the 60 day wellness challenge. I saw it on Meghan’s FB page.
You got it! Sending you a few emails now.
Girl… this will help me get nack in to working out- inalready do the other! Email me!
Done!!! Let’s do this!
Yes please! I’d love to join.
You bet! Check your email.
would love to join the challenge!
Happy to have you! Check your email.
I’m in too! Thanks for sharing Meghan Ely
Great!! Just emailed you!
I saw lovely Meghan’s post and want to join! Thank you!
You bet! Check your email.
I’d love to join. I just saw Meghan Elys post 🙂
Great! Check your email.
Yes please!
Saw this on Meghan Ely’s page and I literally said to myself this weekend I need to do a reset and the universe answered via Meghan’s post. I’m down! Let’s do it!
It was meant to be!! Sending you an email with some more details!
If it’s not to late I’d love to join the accountability group!
Hey Monica! The small group accountability group is full, but… we have a Facebook accountability that is going strong that you’re welcome to still join! I’ll send you an email with details now!